NCHS Team LInks
Use these links to get updates for your sport. Have a link to add? Share it with us!
See the newest list of NC head coaches here.
Golf (Boys & Girls)
Ski (Nordic/XC)
Remind: @nchsxcs
Ski (Alpine)
Soccer (Boys)
Remind: @g234ga
Soccer (Girls)
Swimming (Boys)
Remind: @nchsboyss
Swimming & Diving (Girls)
Team Filly (all NC Female Athletes)
Remind: @teamfilly (students)
Remind: @teamfillyp (parents)
Twitter: @teamfilly
Remind: @tennisnchs
Track (Indoor)
Twitter: @NatronaTrack
Remind: @ncparentin (Indoor girls & boys parents)
Remind: @23ncgt (Indoor girls)
Track (Outdoor)
Twitter: @NatronaTrack
Remind: @ncogtr (Outdoor girls' parents)
Outdoor parents for planning hospitality, dinners, etc
@nctrkpb (boys)
@nctrkpg (girls)
4a Conf website
The 4A Conference website is a great resource for viewing all school activities or a specific sport schedule. This information is what feeds the RST app. You can even subscribe to a specific sport's calendar to get real time updates and schedule changes added to your personal calendar.
Remind App
The "Remind" messaging service is available by text or via the Remind App. The App is simple to use and allows you to review all your child's sports program messages. Choose "Join a class" and enter the appropriate "@---" label. To subscribe to text updates instead of the app, simply text the "@---" label to the phone number 81010.
RSchoolToday (RST) is an app that allows you to view all NCHS activities scheduled for a particular week. It's based on the schedule. You can find it in your app store.